@deadsuperhero @fedifyThe developer of Fedify has built Hollo with it. This is intended as a single-user instance for microblogging.github.com/fedify-dev/hollo
@atomicpoet @fediversenews I am sure these are artificially inflated. The flurry of #Pixelfed signs ups over the last month count as MAU, but that will plummet as many will never come back, due to the nature of people
@malte@forum.fedi.dk are you able to run the forum in dev mode?
Only then will ActivityPub logging be enabled. Once that is being logged, try the follow again and let me know what errors show up.
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net Right, there's a possible social engineering vector at play here, which I think makes this a little concerning.
I certainly don't like my time wasted either
cc @thisismissem@hachyderm.io @mariusor@metalhead.club
@osma@mas.to the default assumption is that announces are delivered back to the origin server in order to close the loop.
However it is not a requirement. For example I am considering not doing so for group announces.
@msbellows@c.im but that's not what Elon Musk's supporters are expecting.
To extend your metaphor, they're paying a mechanic to pull things out of an engine until it magically runs perfectly.
There is no second step.
@sonofageorge@mstdn.ca the royals took (at least under Elizabeth's reign) a firm stance against public opinion on political matters, leaving that to statesmen to decide upon.
@Thalestria Als Alternative zum bereits genannten Castopod gibt es noch Podverse. Ich kann allerdings nicht sagen, ob man schon vom Fediverse aus folgen kann.podverse.fm/
@tuxDass sich die Kategorien auf unterschiedlichen NodeBB-Instanzen gegenseitig folgen und damit ihre jeweiligen Themen austauschen können, ist auch ziemlich cool. Damit geht NodeBB einen bedeutenden Schritt weiter im Vergleich zu Lemmy.
@bert_hubert@fosstodon.org was this happening regularly, intentionally, or simply by default?
In my dealings with clients it's always been "can we host in Amsterdam or Frankfurt, because I don't want to host in the US".